Scholarships - Winter Submission Deadline 2024-25

In addition to the below Rocky Mountain scholarships, you can view PSIA-AASI National Scholarships here.

Level 1 Certification Scholarship

  • Who may apply: Instructors who are current PSIA-AASI members or interested in joining and attending the Level 1 certification
  • Type of event: Level 1 certification in any discipline
  • Scholarship amount: Eleven $180 scholarships per season (half price of event)
  • Details of application: Complete and submit application form
  • Application deadline: December 15th and February 1st (if you apply for the Dec. 15th deadline and are not awarded a scholarship, your application will be included in the Feb 1st deadline)

Level 2 or 3 Certification Prerequisite Scholarship

  • Who may apply: PSIA-AASI Members who meet the prerequisite requirements of the scholarship application they are applying for.
  • Type of event: Level 2 or 3 prep clinic in any discipline
  • Scholarship amount: Twelve $125 scholarships per season.
  • Details of application: Complete and submit application form
  • Application deadline: December 15th and February 1st (if you apply for the Dec. 15th deadline and are not awarded a scholarship, your application will be included in the Feb 1st deadline

Level 2 or 3 Assessment Day Scholarship


  • Who may apply: PSIA-AASI Members who meet the prerequisite requirements of the scholarship application they are applying for.
  • Type of event: Level 2 or 3 exam day in any discipline
  • Scholarship amount: Eighteen $125 scholarships per season.
  • Details of application: Complete and submit application form
  • Application deadline: December 15th and February 1st (if you apply for the Dec. 15th deadline and are not awarded a scholarship, your application will be included in the Feb 1st deadline)

Children’s Specialist 1 Scholarship


  • Who may apply: PSIA-AASI Members who meet the prerequisite requirements of the scholarship application they are applying for.
  • Type of event: Children’s Specialist 1 for any discipline
  • Scholarship amount: Four $125 scholarships per season.
  • Details of application: Complete and submit application form
  • Application deadline: December 15th and February 1st (if you apply for the Dec. 15th deadline and are not awarded a scholarship, your application will be included in the Feb 1st deadline)

Children’s Specialist 2 Scholarship


  • Who may apply: PSIA-AASI Members who meet the prerequisite requirements of the scholarship application they are applying for.
  • Type of event: Children’s Specialist 2 for any discipline
  • Scholarship amount: Five $125 scholarships per season.
  • Details of application: Complete and submit application form
  • Application deadline: December 15th and February 1st (if you apply for the Dec. 15th deadline and are not awarded a scholarship, your application will be included in the Feb 1st deadline)

Freestyle Specialist Scholarship


  • Who may apply: PSIA-AASI Members who meet the prerequisite requirements of the scholarship application they are applying for.
  • Type of event: Freestyle Specialist for any discipline
  • Scholarship amount: Five $125 scholarships per season.
  • Details of application: Complete and submit application form
  • Application deadline: December 15th and February 1st (if you apply for the Dec. 15th deadline and are not awarded a scholarship, your application will be included in the Feb 1st deadline)

Rocky Mountain Trainer Scholarship


  • Who may apply: PSIA-AASI Members who meet the prerequisite requirements of the scholarship application they are applying for.
  • Type of event: Rocky Mountain Trainer exam for any discipline
  • Scholarship amount: Two $125 scholarships per season
  • Details of application: Complete and submit application form
  • Application deadline: December 15th and February 1st (if you apply for the Dec. 15th deadline and are not awarded a scholarship, your application will be included in the Feb 1st deadline)

Educational Event Scholarship


  • Who may apply: PSIA-AASI Members who meet the prerequisite requirements of the scholarship application they are applying for.
  • Type of event: Specialty Educational Events to be used during the season
  • Scholarship amount: Two $125 scholarships per season.
  • Details of application: Complete and submit application form
  • Application deadline: December 15th and February 1st (if you apply for the Dec. 15th deadline and are not awarded a scholarship, your application will be included in the Feb 1st deadline)

New Member Scholarship

  • Who may apply: Instructors who are teaching for a PSIA-AASI Rocky Mountain member school and joining PSIA-AASI Rocky Mountain for the first time.
  • Type of scholarship: Each member school is given between 1-4 membership scholarships, depending on the member school size
  • Scholarship amount: $150 total membership dues amount
  • Details of application: Complete and submit application form
  • Application deadline: February 1st

Renewing Member Scholarship

  • Who may apply: PSIA-AASI Members who are renewing (or have renewed) their membership for the season.
  • Type of scholarship: Eight $150 scholarships per season.
  • Scholarship amount: $150 total membership dues amount
  • Details of application: Complete and submit application form
  • Application deadline: December 15th

Jeff Patterson Memorial Scholarship


  • Who may apply: PSIA-AASI Members
  • Type of event: Preferred to be entry-level clinics for level 1 certification in any discipline.
  • Scholarship amount: Five $125 scholarships per season.
  • Details of application: Complete and submit application form
  • Application deadline: December 15th and February 1st (if you apply for the Dec. 15th deadline and are not awarded a scholarship, your application will be included in the Feb 1st deadline)

Jeff Patterson was an inspirational teacher and rider who had a tremendous passion and enthusiasm for snowboarding and skiing. Jeff was involved in PSIA-AASI snowboard programs from the inception, participating in the first Level 2 and 3 snowboard exams offered by the Eastern Region. Jeff served as a trainer and examiner for PSIA-AASI RM since 1998 and was lead examiner/snowboard committee chair for several seasons. He took ongoing training and professional development very seriously: he was Level 2 Alpine Certified, Level 3 Snowboard certified and Children’s and Freestyle accredited. He sat on both the regional and national Board of Directors.

Edwin Terrell Memorial Scholarship

  • Who may apply: Current PSIA-AASI Rocky Mountain members who teach in the Southern District at the location the Edwin Terrell Clinic is being held that season.
  • Type of event: Edwin Terrell Memorial Clinic.
  • Scholarship amount: Tuition to the Edwin Terrell Memorial clinic.
  • Details of application: Send an email request with an event application to PSIA-AASI Rocky Mountain along with a written recommendation from your member school director.
  • Application deadline: January 1 of the season applying.

Edwin Terrell was a PSIA-AASI Rocky Mountain Alpine Divisional Clinic Leader who worked as a staff trainer and racing coach at the Santa Fe Ski School. He valued his ski education very highly and was always looking to expand it along with the education of other ski instructors. Edwin was also an accomplished climber. He climbed and skied for the joy and experience of it and lived to share this love with others. Edwin’s spirit remains alive through this memoriam.

Daryle Bogenrief Scholarship


  • Who may apply: PSIA-AASI Members
  • Type of eligible event: Entry-level courses for new instructors, preferably Adaptive but will not be limited by discipline.
  • Scholarship amount: Two $250 awards per year.
  • Details of application: Complete and submit application form
  • Application deadline: December 15th and February 1st (if you apply for the Dec. 15th deadline and are not awarded a scholarship, your application will be included in the Feb 1st deadline)

Daryle Bogenrief began membership with PSIA-AASI in January, 2001. He attained all three levels of certification by April 2003 then proceeded to Alpine Trainer Accredited status in April, 2004. He was selected an Alpine Examiner 1 in April, 2005 – one of the youngest people to be selected in recent years. Daryle passed away in the summer of 2005 in a rafting accident. During his time as an instructor he had a passion for helping returning soldiers to ski. This scholarship has been established to assist new instructors in their path to certification.

Dirk Muller Memorial Scholarship

  • Who may apply: PSIA-AASI Members
  • Type of event: Alpine Level 2 or 3 certification
  • Scholarship amount: Five $125 scholarships awarded per season
  • Details of application: Complete and submit application form
  • Application deadline: December 15th and February 1st (if you apply for the Dec. 15th deadline and are not awarded a scholarship, your application will be included in the Feb 1st deadline)

After a stellar skiing career that spanned over 40 years at Breckenridge, Dirk Muller passed away from cancer on February 9, 2018 at the age of 63. He excelled in downhill skiing and jumping for his high school in Minneapolis, Minnesota before moving to Colorado in 1974. His individual passion for skiing, racing, and jumping were only equaled by his love of teaching. He was an exceptional athlete who possessed tremendous people skills and taught literally thousands of students to ski with his patient encouragement. He achieved various certifications from the PSIA over the years, yet he never forgot his humble beginnings in the early 1970’s trying to get established in the Breckenridge community.  He requested that a memorial scholarship fund be established in his name to assist others with the financial cost of certification.

 Non-Profit Education Foundation Scholarship


  • Who may apply: Non-profit organizations. As a Non-Profit organization, is is our goal to be in support of other Non-Profits whose mission is to support growth and development in the snowsports industry.
  • Scholarship amount: $2,500 total scholarship funds to be divided among applicants awarded
  • Details of application: Complete and submit application form and essay
  • Application deadline: December 15th
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