February 20, 2013
Optimistic Negotiation Update
Since the interview with Joel Munn, President of the Rocky Mountain Board of Directors and the update about recent negotiations with the ASEA, we are happy to report that lines of communications have opened even further. The Joint Resolution Divisional Partners consist of Rocky Mountain, Eastern, Inter Mountain and Northwest and have consistently stated that the affiliation agreement proposed by the ASEA is not something that this group is comfortable signing in its present form.
The ASEA is considering potential alternatives and recently communicated to the Joint Resolution Divisions for clarification on specific points of disagreement. These divisions are preparing Joint Resolution solutions to hopefully lead us to a path of legal governance clearly defining our greater association for continued excellence. The agreement looks to address the following.
- Define structure that allows for legal governance between the 10 companies.
- Define representation of the 10 companies to a national entity. The current ASEA board is accountable to no one but themselves.
- Define governance that allows shared ownership of the brand and not allow one entity (ASEA) to have unbridled authority over the nine divisions.
- Develop a collaborative agreement that creates an effective and representational structure. The true “National” entity we are all striving for and until recently thought we all enjoyed.
The RM Board is in constant communication with the ASEA Board and Boards from the other divisions. As stated in earlier communications, the RM Board has been steadfast in its untiring devotion to keep this communication ongoing and to not settle for the status quo. The membership has been the focus of this commitment. Please direct any questions you may have to any of the RM board members or simply give them your support and gratitude for their efforts on our behalf.
We will continue to provide updates as they unfold. Please visit the Scoop at www.psia-rm.org on a regular basis.
Your Rocky Mountain Board of Directors